
2024-11-04 | #gaming

I play alot of different games. But I needed some fresh wind, something where I can be creative. Minecraft was not an option, it is too fragmented with its different engines (Java & Bedrock); crappy java server architecture and irregular updates which always needs to generate a new world to play with its new features.

Terraria could be an alternative.

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My two cents: AI

2023-07-11 | #AI #ChatGPT #M2C

This is a complex topic. Of course there are way better informed specialists who can correct me on my guesses and stuff. So to speak: this will not be a technical deep dive into AI and big data. I’m just lazy to read into that stuff myself. But I feel the urge two throw in my two cents on all this talking about ChatGPT, Bard and other AI tools out there.

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