Love for podcasts

๏—ฌ 2024-10-05

I don’t like the talking in podcasts ๐Ÿ˜…

Don’t get me wrong I love podcasts! But not these kind of podcast the minority hears and loves.

I don’t know exactly when I discovered music podcasts the first time. I guess it was a livestream show of Claptones Clapcast where he mentioned that the DJ Mix can also be heard on Spotify as well. At that time I had Spotify to try out if my niche listening taste can be fulfilled there. Pretty soon I discovered the mix under the Podcast section. Since then I dig deeper and deeper into the Music Podcast rabbit hole try to find more and more of Deep House and Funky House mixes.

The DJ Mix podcasts are a great way to hear newly released tracks, curated by the DJ and not by an algorithm which always suddenly puts one or two Dance or emotional shit in between because the tags are setup wrong (presumably).

I left Spotify pretty early because it was to mainstream. So how can I hear my podcasts without using Spotify and be ad-free?

Google Podcast was pretty neat! Simple to use, easy searchable podcasts and all of them could be heard on my smartphone (via Bluetooth even on my car) too.

Sadly a few months into heavy using Google Podcast I got the message that it was discontinued. It run a one or two months after the official shutdown on my android so I had plenty of time search for an alternative.

Since I’m using Apple Music and it had podcasts too I thought it could be working. Sadly Apple didn’t think on making it available on the Apple Music Android App or create a dedicated App for Android for it.

AudioBookShelf was promising. Sadly it has to be selfhosted which I tried to avoid. Maintenance tasks; public reachable domain; port forwarding; available disk space; all that stuff I did not want to hustle with (again).

I setup a demo instance and tried it locally first. The UI is very weird to use but the automatic download of new episodes; easy searchable Podcasts; Showing of newly released episodes on the homepage and an Android App (!) was everything I ever wanted.

Now I’m a proud owner of a self hosted AudioBookShelf instance where I can hear all the new DJ Mixes and discover new track releases firsthand ๐Ÿ˜„

Music Podcasts I really like:

I even using it to hear some Japanese talking podcasts to get a better understanding in the language itself. But at this stage this is experimental since I’m trying to squeeze it in when I got a few minutes of downtime ๐Ÿ˜…

Got a few more subscribed but not listed since I did not have the time yet to hear them.